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I’m back… 2010-Aug-29 at 14:16 PDT

Posted by Scott Arbeit in Blog.
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This is the obligatory “I know I’ve been neglecting the blog” post.  I’ve been on the road for a month, including three weeks at the UZAZU Teacher Training, and I have to say that it was intense and fulfilling and just didn’t leave much time or headspace for blogging.  And that’s OK… it’s all part of the same flow that I’ve been in, and everything unfolds as it should.

I still have a few days left on the road, but I have space now to do some thinking and writing again, and I’m really wanting to get to it.  So much to pour out now… I feel like I couldn’t write fast enough to get it all out.

The plan for September is to be home as much as possible and just write and read and do a little more research and just inhale and exhale information with as much flow as possible.  After spending so much of the summer away from Seattle, a large part of me just wants to be there and not leave… of course, life intrudes and some of the trips I already know I have to take, and ones that I vaguely know must come, will appear.  All I can do is to enjoy every day in my beloved Ballard that I get to be there.  Speaking of… I should be home by Wednesday.